Tuesday, 28.01.2025
Tuesday, 25.02.2025
Tuesday, 25.03.2025
Tuesday, 29.04.2025
Tuesday, 27.05.2025
Tuesday, 24.06.2025
Time: 19:00 - 21:00
Location: Bergliweg 15 6300 Zug
Costs: free
Liebe Parents and Fathers,
ADHs (ADHD) has been a transformational acronym for our family.
When our child was diagnosed, we had to learn a whole new language in order to effectively communicate what we were experiencing inside our family and also outside our family. As English speakers living in central Switzerland, we had the added challenge of learning this new language in a new culture. This was how we started and we are many years from those first steps, thankfully.
In partnership with elpos Switzerland, a national non-profit organization dedicated to ADHs education, I’m organizing a Support Group for Dads who are also learning this language.
This does not mean English has to be your first language to participate or Switzerland has to be a new culture.
I have been studying the symbolic aspects of ADHs as part of my training as a Jungian Analyst for several years and one of the strange and beautiful discoveries I’ve made about ADHs in families is how it can bring us together regardless of our differences.
The goal of the group is to speak about our experiences and support each other in being the kind of Dads we want to be. That’s it. It’s important to NOTE: while I have spent the last several years engaged in intensive group psychoanalytical training, the Fathers Group is NOT intended to be a group psychotherapy space in any way. I will do my best to organize the group with all the tools I’ve learned for meaningful conversations, but it’s important to me that we come together as equals intent on sharing, learning and listening. I’m certain we can help each other this way.
Everyone is most welcome. Please register via the Elpos website and sign up with the QR code for the Whatsapp chat.