What is Jungian Analysis?
Jungian Analysis is a type of talk therapy that focuses on helping you understand yourself more completely, not just by talking about your daily life and struggles but also by exploring the deeper parts of your psyche, the invisible parts you might not be completely aware of yet. Think of it as going on an adventure to discover hidden treasures inside.
In this most powerful form of talk therapy, studying your dreams is an important part of the process. Dreams are like messages from somewhere deep in your psyche, showing you aspects of yourself you may not have realized were there. We work together to figure out what these dreams might mean and how they meaningfully connect to your life.
Also, Jungian Analysis believes that we all share common ideas and feelings inside of ourselves, a kind of shared human experience. Somewhat ironically, by learning to understand these commonalities, we learn more about how our uniqueness, our individual selves, fits into the labyrinth of life.
The goal of Jungian Analysis is to help you feel more balanced and whole. Many of us start analysis with our pieces apart, like a puzzle on the kitchen table. Through the process of our work, the pieces come together and form an evermore clear picture. The more you understand about yourself, the more complete the picture becomes. This healing process helps you feel at peace and confident in who you are and where you came from and therefore better able to deal with life's inevitable challenges.
CG Jung, The Red Book, Image 135
CG Jung, The Red Book, Image 125
Jungian Analysis helps people who say:
"I want to understand my dreams better because they seem important and I think they might be trying to tell me something about myself.”
"I feel like there are sides of myself that I don’t really know or that I can’t control, and I want to learn more about these hidden parts."
"I’m facing a tough situation and I need some help to get through it."
"I’ve always been interested in things like myths and symbols, and I’m curious about what they could mean for me personally."
"I’m having trouble in my relationships and keep falling into the same problems. I want to understand why and change the pattern."
"I’m not feeling fulfilled or sure about what I’m doing in life, and I’m looking for a deeper sense of purpose."
"I want to break through things that are holding me back from being my best self."
"I’m interested in exploring my spiritual side more deeply."
“I’ve tried other types of therapy, but now I’m looking for something that goes deeper into my mind and feelings."